When tomorrow never comes

“The future always arrives too fast… and in the wrong order.” – Alvin Toffler

What happens when your journey takes you on a different path?

I thought I had it all figured out, I thought I knew where I was going and what I was doing, I thought I knew what life had in store for me.

I stepped into into my future with high hopes and expectations of how my tomorrow will look like, of where I will end up in life and how I would grow and evolve. I stepped into my future with an ideal for the future me, for the person I hoped to be, for the life I’d hoped to have. I stepped into a promise of a better tomorrow, of a richer moment, of a new me.

What happens when the path you thought was meant for takes you on a different journey than the one you had envisioned for yourself, what happens when the future you thought you want turns into an unfulfilling reality, what happens when your journey turns into a purposeless pursuit.

I looked at my today and could not image what my tomorrow will look, I could not recognise who I was today. I looked at my today wondering how I got here, when did my path change, when did it all change, perhaps it was me who changed, who unknowingly took a step in the wrong direction. Was I blinded by my bright tomorrow that I forgot to keep my focus on today?

I turned a corner into my future and what I found was not what I had envisioned for myself, for my future, and not what I had dreamt of. I turned a corner and I found a path that leads to a place I did not know. I turned a corner and I felt lost, lost in the unknown and lost in a dream, lost in the possibility of what could have been.

I opened my eyes and saw things I never imagined, I saw a life I did not recognise, I saw I future I never planned for or even dreamt of. Was it all a lie or was it all a dream, I opened my eyes and wondered how I got here, was it a fantasy or is this who God wanted me to be, where He wanted me to be. Is this the path I was destined to take, was the journey I dreamt of just a fantasy, was it just a dream or was it never meant to be.

What I did not know was the path that God had set for me, a path that He knew was best for me, a path that will lead to me to know Him better.

I looked at my tomorrow and I was filled with hope of what my future life will look like, of where this new path will take me. I looked at my tomorrow and I no longer felt hopeless, I no longer felt afraid, I was no longer lost. My today did not look like I had hope, but I knew this today will lead to my better tomorrow, my brighter tomorrow, to my true tomorrow. This is the life I was meant to live, the journey I was meant to take. This is me today.

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